Sunday, November 20, 2005

GRE's, Sleeplessness, Scattered Thoughts

OK, so I'm taking the GRE tomorrow morning at 7:30 and I am still awake when I should be sleeping. Trouble is I can't fall asleep. Chalk it up to nervousness or the fact that I slept in this morning. I don't know. So I decided to post, since I haven't in a while.

Song playing: "Lover's Only" Maxwell Now.

Taking the GRE is making me think about what is to come after I take it. It's kind of scary because I have no idea what that is going to be. I'm only applying to three schools, so I'm hoping at least one of them accepts me. I really only want to attend one of three but I'm trying not to tell people so as not to ginx it. I pray that things only get better and more exciting from here for me. I was talking to my oldest sister this morning and she was like "You're gonna be famous, man" as she went into a made-up anecdote of seeing my photos from Africa in a National Geographic issue at her doctor's office and her boasting that I am her little sister. That made me feel really good to hear that from her, because I admire her so much.

My sister has accomplished so much despite the many adversities she has faced in life. Whenever I get lazy I think about how hard she worked to accomplish the goals she had in life being a young mother, graduating high school on time and graduating from a prestigious university, while raising three beautiful, responsible, and respectable children. How could I want to give up or be so lazy when I don't have near the adversity or challenges my sister faced. I admire and respect her in ways she probably does not even know.

So, like my previous post describes, I've been "fantasizing" lately. There's a fellow that I can not stop thinking about or talking about/to. It's crazy because I haven't felt like this in a long while and it is a good feeling, but a little scary. I love hard. So, when I catch feelings for someone I kind of wear my heart on my sleeve leaving me a bit vulnerable. The last time I had this feeling and allowed myself to be so vulnerable----it left me heartbroken. This time, I'm trying to be optimistic as well as careful with my heart. It's not that serious yet, but it's cool and I like it. :)
ALLright, I think I should probably get some sleep now..

Saturday, November 12, 2005


(L to R) Natalie Stewart (Floacist) and Marsha Ambrosius(Songstress) realeased their new album, Flo'Ology, November 8, 2005.

Yesterday I went on a shopping spree, a needed stress reliever. It's an escape from reality. Some people drink or smoke crack, I shop...I love shopping--even if it results in brokeness. I'm not a full fledge adult yet, so I still have time to be irresponsible, right? O Well....
Among the things I bought was Floetry's new album, Flo'Ology. I'm glad I bought it, because again the powerhouse duo of Natalie Stewart (Floacist) and Marsha Ambrosius (Songtress) teamed up to create something beautiful. Their music ties together art forms that I love, spoken word , R&B , and a little bit of hip hop for ya. I'm really feelin this new CD, not quite as much as the first one [Floetic, 2002], but I probably just need to spend more time with it. I mean their first single features my favorite MC, Common--which guarantees that I'm gonna love it.:)
So as I'm walking from store to store in The Gallery, Philly's ghetto version of a mall, I remembered a song that I love by Floetry. I heard it on the Floacism Live DVD and apparently they perform it at every show they have, which I have yet to experience :(. The song is called "Fantasize." ( I don't want to encourage pirating--- but if you can download this song, I highly reccomend it) Marsha belts out the hooks over and over with Natalie backing her up with her bass-like flows. I mean the song is acapella, but the way they come together it sounds like there are instruments being used.
The reason this song is so special to me is because I can relate to the content. The chorus goes as follows :

I fantasize about you
Said everyday and
I want to do
Just everything, baby
Said everything--IIII (repeat)

Under the humming of the chorus, Natalie spits about the feeling of the beginnings in love or infatuation, whatever it may be. It's that time when you first meet someone that you are really feelin and for some reason you can't stop thinking about them. You care for them more and more everyday. She talks about the silly fantasies she has of running through the park holding hands as well as the real sexual fantasies. She even touches on those long phone conversations talking about "nothing in every way possible for hours and hours and hours and hours...." I know you can all relate to that one. Fantasize is really speakin to me right now. Can you guys relate? Speak to me.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Sister's Wedding

My sister just recently got married. I took photos and I thought I'd share them with the blogger world. She walked down the aisle to the song I used. It's a beautiful event with my beautiful family. I love them!