"Adult World Reality Check"
One of my new co workers said "In your 20s you're pretending to be an adult and once you hit 30, there aren't anymore excuses for anything . You'll just be looked at as the 30 something trying to act like you're a 20something." There was alot more prefacing and following that comment. The one portion of her comment I remember most is the "pretending to be an adult" part. I am so there! She could not have been more right.
So, I'm turning 25 in like 5 months. For some reason the age '25' is a bit scary and contains much more than I feel I am ready for. I know I'm legally, according the government, an adult. I'm not in school anymore. I'm working full time, making a decent salary.
If I accepted those couple of stipulations to qualify me as an adult, then I'd be cool about turning 25. Here are a couple of reasons why I don't think I quite qualify in the adult category.
1. I don't have my own place, still living with family
2. I am still not so great at creating a budget and sticking to it
3. ETC...
I think your twenties are even more awkward than being a teenager. It's a confusing and scary time. I don't know much of anything about being an "adult," yet I am expected to act like one and conduct business as one.
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