Sunday, August 28, 2005

New Hair, New Outlook

Friday, August 26, at noon, I made the most drastic change in my appearance to date, only second to the removal of my braces in 9th grade. I got my my hair cut- short, very short, but so very cute. I'm lovin it. It's very Halle Berry in Boomerangish. For my entire life I have been known as Erin with the long, thick hair. It has become a trademark and even a security blanket. Now that my hair is so short, I am exposed. I mean every detail about my face, good and bad, are now visible. Due to the domination my hair had over my face, I have never really noticed what my face really looks like.

This haricut came at a good time and is somewhat symbolic. I am now a senior in college and graduating in the spring. I'm excited and nervous about the turn my life will take upon graduating. Life is getting R-E-A-L folks. This year I am more focused on what needs to be done. Some may be thinking, it's a little too late to change my protocol and/or bad habits. But if not now, when? Looking in the mirror everyday and seeing my short coif will be a friendly reminder of the changes I am making, if ever I start to slip up.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Not Knowing What You Have...

Life is short. Everyone knows this, yet many of us are guilty of living it as if we have already reached that eternal life. Many people let good opportunities or people pass us by with the notion that the opportunity or that person will be there when when we're ready to get to it. We do this so often in life. Most of the time, unfortunately, recogniton of these good things comes too little too late.
I have been told so often that I am "wifey material." Guys are not ready for me until they want to "wife" someone up. Until then, I am valued but put in their mental ziplock bag for freshness while they conduct testings on what I imagine to be those who are NOT "wifey material." I am not sure if I should be enamored by this nomenclature I am given. It's nice, I guess. But come on guy, do you think I'm really gonna be here waiting for someone who's finally ready to wife me up? I need to have my fun too. I am not a yo-yo, I have motion sickness.