New Hair, New Outlook
Friday, August 26, at noon, I made the most drastic change in my appearance to date, only second to the removal of my braces in 9th grade. I got my my hair cut- short, very short, but so very cute. I'm lovin it. It's very Halle Berry in Boomerangish. For my entire life I have been known as Erin with the long, thick hair. It has become a trademark and even a security blanket. Now that my hair is so short, I am exposed. I mean every detail about my face, good and bad, are now visible. Due to the domination my hair had over my face, I have never really noticed what my face really looks like.
This haricut came at a good time and is somewhat symbolic. I am now a senior in college and graduating in the spring. I'm excited and nervous about the turn my life will take upon graduating. Life is getting R-E-A-L folks. This year I am more focused on what needs to be done. Some may be thinking, it's a little too late to change my protocol and/or bad habits. But if not now, when? Looking in the mirror everyday and seeing my short coif will be a friendly reminder of the changes I am making, if ever I start to slip up.