Sunday, April 30, 2006

Realizations while transitioning...

Lately I've been going through some things that I've wanted to blog about but could not figure out how to get it out of my brain. I was trying to come up with a general subject and not talk specifically about my personal situation(s). I thought I would generalize it for the blogger public. This wasn't working too well, so I'm just going to vent as was the initial purpose of Introspect. (*Warning- this may be pretty scattered*)

So graduation is in less than 3 weeks and Phoenix just over a month. Wow. Where does the time go? This is not the biggest transition I have had to endure in my young life, yet it is proving to be pretty difficult emotionally. Some of these emotions I can't quite describe or place. It seems as if everything is falling into place, though. I'm graduating and I actually know what I am doing with my life afterwards. It goes as follows:

My Life's Itinerary
May 18th
- Receive B.A. in Journalism from Temple University for four years of hard work.
~May 20th- Move out of my one bedroom apartment of 2 years ( not looking forward to that :(
May 27th-June 1st- My first cruise with beautiful people that I love
June 2- August 11- My first real ( real as in paid! yes!) photo internship in Phoenix, AZ.
August 16-20th- NABJ Convention in Indy
~End of August/Early September-May '07- Grad school in Boston

So that is about a year of my life planned out and I should be real relaxed right now- for some reason I'm not. My favorite India.Arie quote (she really speaks the truth) is -

"The only thing constant in the world is change."

This is so very true but it is also not the easiest thing in the world to endure. Most people when having to adapt to a new lifestyle, city, job, mate, family, etc. do not have the easiest time. It is definitely a learning experience and certain changes or transitions in life can help you to define who you are. So in the end you come out on top, but while in the midst of it, it can be a pretty confusing time.

I now understand that quote about fearing success. I don't fear it so much that I am letting my fears get in my way, but I just feel so unsettled right now. My fears in success lie in things I probably won't care much about a year or maybe even months from now. I fear that the path I am headed may cause me to have to delete( for lack of a better word) certain friends from my life. And boy am I the worst person at making new friends. I'm comfortable being the loner and introvert that I am, but it has had an effect on my social life. The few people I can call friend I would like to think that we could remain friends for as long as possible.

Unfortunately the latter has already been proven to be false. Three of the people still here at Temple that I spent the majority of my social life with and I are on the outs. It is that point where you are like "Dag, I thought we were friends, but I guess not." When something as petty as five dollars ( that is not worth being explained) can end a friendship, you know that you need to move on in life. You just realize that some people are meant to hang around in your life and some are just temporary. It hurts, but c'est la vie, right?

Everything happens for a reason and nothing lasts forever are the two cliches that are flashing like neon signs in Vegas in my brain at the moment. What a key time for me to recognize that certain folks and I were not meant to share friendship for longer than the four years of undergrad. God is trying to tell me something.

A fellow female photog and I were having this disucssion on the way back from a wedding shoot. She says "Some friends are good for certain things" Maybe some friends are only good for certain time periods.

Have you ever assumed you were in a place that you were really not? I guess a hurried assumption of sorts. When you think that you are cool before you actually get to a place and then when you actually are faced with the reality of what that place feels like, you realize you weren't ready for it at all. For me that was assuming I was at a point in getting over a love. Although I am moving on, I am not totally there yet. I haven't moved yet. It is still a work in progress. I am trying though. Hey, I miss him. I am not afraid to admit that. That's real. I am just waiting for the day when I am unaffected by him and am somewhat indifferent, if that day ever comes- sigh-*

Well, that is the end of my brain fart-lol- for the day. Peace and Love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an amazing authentic, caring, loving, loyal, intelligent, and talented sister. Just thought I'd put it out there. Look what I can see without us having met face to face.

Change is a constant.

I've been meditating on this:
The friendship that can cease has never been real.
St. Jerome

Kind of pessimistic, but kind of true.

You'll accomplish all you set out to do. You are so blessed, and with good reason. Where are you headed to grad school?

Keep your head up, stay grateful, and stay focused!

8:05 PM, April 30, 2006  
Blogger Erin E. said...

WOW...Cnel, that was so sweet and appreciated. I'm not sure how you have gotten all of that without meeting me, but that's all soo flattering. I will be attending Boston University.

9:56 PM, April 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been told I've very knowledgeable about the mores of people.LoL.

7:48 PM, May 01, 2006  
Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

I hope you have time to hang out in Indy...see you there

10:27 PM, May 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

peple come into our life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. most people have more acquaintances than true friends. A friend is someone you can call at 3 in the morning and say I need to talk and all they say is ok shoot. I have alifetime friend/brother whom I luv with all my heart, u go Sop. Just keep your head to the sky and your eye on the prize. I believe in you, have all faith in you.

Your friend
Auntie\Peace and Blessings

4:56 PM, May 15, 2006  
Blogger Erin E. said...

Awww, thanks Auntie! xoxo

9:12 PM, May 15, 2006  

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