Is Blood Thicker than Water?
You can't choose them. You can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em.
Ideally, it should be that out of everyone in the world, your family would be those which you could entrust with your life, in all realms, not just the physical. ( For the purposes of this entry, I am generalizing family into one category)
I have not really been one to rely on my family for many things, material or emotional. Life just did not play out that way for me. I am very grateful and blessed for the positive role that numerous family members play in my life, without my asking. I have learned though, that realistically the only person I can truly rely on is God and myself. So I guess you could say, from my family, I do not expect much. Someone once told me, "you came into this world alone and you will die alone." That statement is harsh and grave, but true.
I have learned to deal with my own emotions and hash them out alone, when the adults in my life were blinded by their own anger, sadness, or hurt. In many ways, like I said, I am self-reliant. I know that I will always be there when I need me.
This all being said, there are just certain things you know your family will not do--but they love to prove you wrong. After all, isn't "blood thicker than water?"
Due to repeated events of my faith being broken in certain family members, I have come to treat certain friends as if they are family. Is this wrong? It doesn't feel wrong. I love my family, but I am also losing faith in them.
This line killed me..."I know that I will always be there when I need me." I would hope so, but don't you think that's kind of dangerous?
It's sad that you don't have all this confidence in your family, but it's great to have friends that you consider your family. We all have them.
I feel you on the complexity of family bonds, and friendship bonds.
We look to family to provide spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial support. We expect them to be our primary providers of those things which we need. Sometimes our desire to have us all, blinds us to the reality of their potential to give.
In the end we will have to rely on our selves in a lot of instances, but there are always those family members who go above and beyond, and thank God for them.
Don't feel bad for having a spirit family. I always say a true friendship is like staring God straight in the face......your in awe of its wonder and its beauty but you are comforted by how
it makes you feel.
That last comment should be followed up by some white televangelist with a really soft voice saying:
"And let the church say, Amen."
why can't it be a black televangelist?
Yes. Blood should be thicker than water.
truth is, no one is exempt from being a crappy person and no one is automatically a great person just cuz of their title. sad but true...i'm on the outs with a few family members and my friends are the closest and most trustworthy people in my circle right just happened that way. i guess i'm just a cynic cuz i say you could be someone's mother, but if you're an *ss, then you're an *ss!! you don't earn status in my world just cuz you happened to be fortunate enuf to share the same bloodline :-)
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